the problem of SYMPATHY

ONCE, so it is said in the Far

East, a young woman came before Gautama the Buddha. Her firstborn child lay dead in her arms and she begged him to bring it back to life.

The Enlightened One bowed his head in thought for a moment. Then he told her he would do so, provided she brought him a handful of mustard seed. But it could not be ordinary mustard seed. It had to

by Jack Parrish

come from a household where no one had lost either a husband, child, parent, or friend.

Joyfully she set out upon her quest. And each household, when she would make known her need, would say, "Here is mustard seed aplenty; take it" But when she




















Everyone seriously interested in problems of sexual morality should read it...


ONE does not have all the answers. It does not sponsor pet theories, but it does survey various theories about homosexuality, past and present. ONE prints contributions from major figures in science and fiction, religion, psychology, philosophy — also, what "the man in the street" thinks.


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asked them if they had lost anyone there, they would reply, "Alas the living are few, but the dead are many. Do not remind us of our deepest grief."

In time she became weary and discouraged. To rest herself she sat down for a moment, looking out upon the city. And as she sat there in the darkness, watching the lights of the city flicker up and out, she began to think, "So do all people come into the world and die." And then suddenly she realized, "How selfish I am! I am not unique in my grief.. Suffering and death are universal, and I am not the only one to have lost a beloved one." Burying her child, she then returned to the Buddha and entered the religious life.

shares the expression of his inclinations.

Yet this condition is not unique. It exists in varying degrees for all racial, social, or religious minorities. Some experience it more acutely than others, some less, but all of them undergo it.

It is therefore illogical for us to feel that homophilic problems are unique, Suffering is not exclusive to any one person, or any one group of persons. It is universal and shared ✓ by all.

In a sense, this same situation also exists for homosexuals. Their life is not a wholly easy one. There is the loneliness and sense of isolation that inevitably result from feeling "different." There is usually a great deal of fear and inner insecurity to be fought through. And for a person who is essentially lawabiding and who has been brought up to believe in the ideal of freedom and equal rights for all, it is distinctly galling to know that legally speaking, he is a criminal if he


Crime Increases But Sex Crimes Show Little Rise

The present situation is basically unjust and few human beings are capable of maintaining an attitude of quiet resignation toward such a state of affairs all the time. But if nothing else, we have it in our power to utilize our problems as a means of self-development and of rising above the moral level of any who, through ignorance, intolerance, bigotry, or inner frustrations, attack us. We are one with any others who experience suffering, intolerance or unhappiness. While there are some things we can do little or nothing about to alter the present state of alfairs at the very least we can attempt to learn compassion and understanding for all others who suffer or undergo similar situations.

They are more often committed by a person who has previously been guilty of burglary.

Every five minutes, someone is feloniously assaulted or killed, Dr. Guttmacher > THE VOLUME OF CRIME has been stated. He urged physicians to make every steadily increasing but sex crimes have not effort to prevent the development of defecincreased significantly, Dr. Manfred S. Gutttive personality structures. macher, chief medical officer of the BaltiSex offenses do not all involve sex deviates, more, Md., Supreme Bench, reported at Dr. Guttmacher pointed out. Most homothe meeting of the American Academy of sexuals are not anti-social. Sex offenders, General Practice in Washington. he added, do not graduate from minor to

Almost two-thirds of all arrests involve major sex offenses. Many are readily treatrepeaters. Sex offenders, however, show a able. Offenses that do not appear sexual often low rate of repeating, or recidivism. Serious sex crimes are not generally committed by have a sexual basis. persons previously convicted of a sex offense.

Science News Letter